The conference agenda has been released for the March 2, 2018 Texas World War I Centennial Commemoration planning conference in Austin and includes a variety of topics designed to support communities and organizations preparing to recognize the role of Texas and Texans in the Great War 100 years ago. The planning event is free, but registration is required and will close February 27 or until auditorium capacity is reached.

Texas World War I Centennial Commemoration Association (TXWWICCA) maintains contact with over 250 organizations around the Texas with interest in the WWI Centennial. TXWWICCA stake holders include museums, civic and veteran organizations, historical sites, academic institutions, military bases, public schools, and the general public. The commemoration period will span 2017 through 2019 (U.S. entry in the war through signing of the Treaty of Versailles).

The March conference is co-sponsored by the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) and will be held at the Stephen F. Austin Building auditorium, located at 1700 North Congress Avenue in Austin. More information is available on the conference, registration, and the Texas WWI Centennial at or on Facebook at

Time Session
8:30-9:00am Registration & Networking

·        Sign-in and receive participant packet

·        Register for Texas WWI Centennial Commemoration kit   drawing

9:00-9:30am Opening Remarks

·        Texas WWI Centennial Commemoration

·        Texas Veterans Commission

·        U.S. WWI Centennial Commission


9:30-10:30am People, Places & Poppies: Finalizing WWI Commemoration Plans for Your Organization

·        “Ready-to-Go” commemoration activities you can still adopt

·        Near-term local fundraising

·        11/11/18 WWI veteran grave marking initiative

·        WWI veteran headstone replacement program

·        Finding & highlighting “real WWI Texans”


10:30- 10:45am Break
10:45-11:15am Texas Veterans: 1918 and 2018

·        Veteran groups and community outreach during the Centennial commemoration

·        TVC local and regional networks

11:15-11:45am 100 Years / 100 Schools: the collaborative Veterans Day school outreach program

·        The 2018 program and outreach plan

·        Curriculum resources

·        Higher education connections


11:45am-12:30pm Lunch & Networking

·        Lunch available at the building cafeteria adjacent to the  conference room

·        No food is allowed in the auditorium

12:30-1:00pm Texas Historical Commission: 2018 Centennial Initiatives

·        WWI Centennial Programs & resources from the THC


1:30-2:00pm Local Commemorations / Local Partners

·        Lessons from previous successful Centennial events (2016-17)

·        Attracting local partners, publicity, and media

2:00-2:15pm Break


2:15-2:45pm Archiving Your WWI Centennial Commemoration

·        How to preserve your event records

·        Using the USWWICC and TXWWICC endorsement

·        Providing information and  photos of your event


2:45-3:15pm The Final Chapter: The WWI Centennial Commemoration in 1919

·        The USWWICC effort through June 2019

·        Society, Spanish flu, veteran reintegration, and American on the world stage


3:15-3:30pm Closing Comments

·        Open floor; Q&A



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